Alex Brown
Registered Massage Therapist
What’s your favorite part of your job?
Helping clients work towards their goals, creating change.
Do you have any skills or talents some may not know about?
I can shuffle with one hand!
What are your hobbies outside of work?
Writing, reading, and art.
What’s an interesting fact about you?
I was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and raised in Toronto.
On Sunday mornings you can find me …
With a good coffee and my family.
What professional accomplishment are you proud of?
I am most proud of my client's progress with consistent treatments, and seeing over the years how I can treat more effectively.
If you could meet anybody famous (alive or not) who would it be and why?
Nikola Tesla, because he is the greatest inventor of the modern world.
What are some causes you care about?
I care about women's rights, as well as animals and the environment,
What would your personal motto be?
I like to go with the flow.